Building a healthy relationship
Submitted by Angie Rosillo on February 10, 2013 2:27 amNo Comment
Once the honeymoon is over, couples resign themselves to the fact that love and affection alone will not solve the demands a dysfunctional family system brings to the partnership. Aaron Beck, M.D. in his book, Love Is Never Enough, lists a few ingredients to build a solid healthy relationship:
- Cooperation: Work, play and volunteer as a couple. Make plans to accomplish a goal in your life and work together to fulfill it.
- Commitment: After trust has been broken and repaired, each partner restates their commitment to the relationship, no matter what the difficulties.
- Basic Trust: Being dependable and available to your partner in the relationship is a critical ingredient for building a solid foundation. Attitudes like: “I can depend on you to protect my best interests.” “I know you will not intentionally hurt me.” “I can assume good will on my spouse’s part.”
- Loyalty: Show a dedication to your partner’s interests. Be there for support and stick up for them at all times.
- Fidelity: Stay faithful sexually, emotionally and spiritually. This means no emotional or sexual relationships outside of a marriage.