The Money Maze
By Angie Rosillo, LMHC, CHT
There are few subjects as complicated or far-reaching as our individual interactions with money matters. Being force-fed your abuser’s values, based on their own distorted ideas about money, has wrapped the tentacles of twisted money memories around the very core of your being. In reality, money is nothing more than a physical manifestation of your own self-worth. See the problem? All trauma survivors have major misconceptions about their own self-worth that were deliberately instilled by their abusers. So in order to successfully maneuver the money maze, you have to first focus on YOU, not the money. (uh, uh, uh, no groaning).
Our work is designed to assist you in reprogramming your brain and undoing the damage that was done at the hands of your abusers. This money issue is no different. We can’t and won’t do it for you, but we will give you the tools, encouragement and direction you’ll need along the way. Make no mistake. This is NOT going to be easy. There are many steps involved in reaching financial balance in your lives. Identifying and unlearning the lies and then relearning the truth about successful money interactions takes time, practice and hard work. There is no quick fix or short cut to take. But if you are willing to invest the time and effort needed, the results will astound you. I know you can do it, so let’s get started!!!
Along with all of the other lies you were taught, “money is not the root of all evil”. In fact, the Bible actually says that, “the LOVE of money is the root of all evil”, which has to do with greed, not money itself. If you were raised in a dysfunctional or unbalanced family, you really can’t expect to have received balanced information about how to obtain and handle money. In fact, money is often the single most volatile problem area within the dysfunctional family structure. So first, let’s do an exercise to help you begin to identify where you got some of the ideas you have about money. Ideas that aren’t working for you. In the list below, identify any negative events that you personally experienced or observed at your home:
- Dad broke into your piggy bank and stole your money.
- Mom maxxed out her credit cards to punish your workaholic dad or to get his attention.
- Dad cashed his paycheck and drank or gambled away all of the household money.
- Your abuser gave you money or gifts to buy your silence about your abuse.
- Your mom used credit cards to buy frivolous things when she didn’t have the money for them.
- Mom and dad used money to punish or reward you for following their rules or commands.
- Parents constantly fought over money.
- Your religious leader tells you, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.”
I know that these are familiar to many of you, but more importantly, they may have triggered other events that aren’t listed here. Stop reading and take out a sheet of paper right now and make your own list of negative money memories that happened in your family. Write down the ones listed above that you experienced at the hands of your abusers, and the additional ones that came to mind when you read the list. This is very important!! Reprogramming these events is the key to unlocking the door to healthy feelings of self worth and successful dealings with money. If you are serious about your recovery, you have to do this work. It will be okay. The abuse isn’t happening now, right? You’re safe. And completing this will go a long way in breaking your loyalty to your abuser’s values.
Over the years, I have discovered that many of you have never seen or experienced a healthy event that concerns money, so I included a few of those as well, so you’ll recognize them in the future.
- Parents took you to deposit your baby-sitting or lawn mowing money into a savings account so you could see it grow.
- Mom showed you how to save money and plan ahead to buy things you wanted and deserved.
- Mom and dad showed you what bills they had and how to budget money.
- Mom and dad put limits on how much money they would give you.
- Parents gave you the opportunity to earn money and decide for yourself how to spend it.
- Parent modeled saving a certain amount from each paycheck to build an emergency money fund.
- Mom and dad did NOT buy you everything you wanted or asked for.
In addition to the negative and unhealthy events you experienced, your parent’s or abuser’s continuous use of money to control your behavior instilled the following abuser values:
- There is never enough money = You don’t deserve to have nice things.
- We are poor and always will be = You’re worthless.
- “Poverty Mentality” (family lives Your needs and wants as though poor, even if money is aren’t important. –and- available) = You’re not worth a penny.
- If you want money, you have to You have to com promise do what I want you to do and yourself in order to get be what I want you to be = money.
- Having money is a sin = You’re going to hell if you have wealth
Do the same thing here you did with the list of negative events and add any statements that popped into your mind when you read the list above. You know enough now to add your own equations as well.
The plain and simple truth is that none of us arrive in this world equipped to handle money wisely and successfully. We have to learn, but unfortunately the lessons learned in an abusive environment are seldom accurate or productive. You may very well have heard your family talk about money, in fact, they may have talked about little else. But in nearly all cases, the conversation was totally irrational and loaded with your abuser’s values. Break your loyalty to these distorted financial values and you will be well on your way to establishing financial balance in your life.
There’s lots more information about money and the impact wrong money messages can have on your life, but I don’t want to overwhelm you all at once. We’ll continue again in the next issue. But the neat thing is you don’t have to settle for your abuser’s messed up way of thinking about this either. You can break your loyalty to their financial values. You can learn exciting, productive ways to deal with money. You can feel the thrill of seeing real results from your efforts. You don’t have to stay locked in the financial nightmare your abusers put you in. You can succeed and have a healthy, happy life in spite of them. And you are so worth it!!
I agree that it’s a challenge to face yet another area in need of adjusting. So until the next issue, all I want you to do is concentrate on understanding exactly what happened in your personal environment regarding money. And don’t limit your investigation to just your parents or caregivers. Many other people and situations may have influenced you as well, so think it through completely. Include memories regarding other relatives and your family’s history and traditions about money and work. Did all of the siblings in your family receive the same treatment when it came to money matters? How did an allowance or lack of one impact you? Did you receive specific messages about money from your religious environment? What were your parent’s individual attitudes about money and who handled the money and paid the bills? Did they do it responsibly? What about your peers and society? Were any of your peers much richer or poorer than you? How did this affect the way you think about and handle your money now? How have you responded to the overwhelming barrage of “you’ve got to buy THIS in order to be happy” advertising campaigns? Have you figured out that it’s all a lie yet?
You’ve got a lot of work to do, but you’re not alone anymore. You’re certainly welcome to come to IOP if you’d really like to get to the bottom of this and actually learn to successfully maneuver the money maze. Do your affirmations and come up with new ones just for money if you need to. I know some of you have really painful memories surrounding money. Reach out to your therapist, keep in contact with friends that can help and support you and don’t forget your other new tools either. You can also always perform an RRT if a particular memory is exceptionally severe.
Whatever the amount of hard work and effort it takes, it’s definitely worth it. Once you’ve built a strong foundation based on rejecting the money lies you learned from your abusers and learning solid information that will actually enable you to turn your financial life around, you’ll know in your heart of hearts that it was worth it. But most of all YOU are worth it!! Good luck! I know you can do it!!!